I can create maps in any style, for any purpose

Maps can be customised in a wide variety of styles, and designed to show different content. See below for examples of maps showing the same areas but in different styles. Every element on a map can be presented in a bespoke style that will highlight the important features of that map.

B&W: Simple Flat
Simple black & white map with cities, rivers and political features
B&W: Simple Topographic
Simple black & white map with relief shading, cities, rivers and political features
Colour: Simple Flat
Simple colour map with cities, rivers and political features
Colour: Simple Roads
Simple colour map with cities, road & rail network, rivers and political features
Colour: Topographic
Colour map with relief shading, cities, rivers and political features
Colour: Elevation
Colour map with elevation and relief shading, cities, rivers and political features
Colour: Topographic & Bathymetry
Colour map with elevation and relief shading, bathymetry, cities, rivers and political features
Complex: Roads, Topographic & Bathymetry
Colour map with elevation and relief shading, bathymetry, cities, road hierarchy, rail, rivers and political features
Illustrative: 2-colour Tolkien
2-colour map (red and black only) evoking the style of the Middle-earth maps drawn by J.R.R. Tolkien's son Christopher Tolkien for the Lord of the Rings.
Illustrative: full-colour Tolkien
Full-colour map evoking the style of the Middle-earth maps drawn by J.R.R. Tolkien's son Christopher Tolkien for the Lord of the Rings.
Illustrative: Imhof style
Colour map in the style of Swiss cartographer Eduard Imhof, with stylised elevation and relief shading, cities, road hierarchy, rail, rivers and political features
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